The Eagle’s Prayer Movement.

We are a community of believers who have dedicated our lives to intercede for others.

Who we are?

The Eagle’s Prayer Movement:

We are a community of individuals who have committed ourselves to the practice of intercession. This sacred dedication involves lifting up the needs, hopes, and concerns of those around us, placing them before God. Intercession is a selfless act that goes beyond personal needs, allowing us to extend our hearts and voices to support, uplift, and invoke God’s agenda for the well-being of those we intercede for. In this communal bond, we find strength, unity, and a profound sense of purpose as we step into the role of spiritual advocates for the betterment of humanity.


We are in several campuses in Nigeria




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The Eagle’s Prayer Movement

With the determination to fulfill Gods’ mandate which was received with great joy to stand in the gap for the land of Futa. {The Federal University of Technology, Akure} Ondo state, Nigeria, brought together thirteen intercessors on the 17th of January 2007, by 7pm, at the Akindeko car park, FUTA south gate.

A mandate backed up with Daniel 4:17, gave us a solid back bone, which over the years has formed the basis of the movement. Since we have been called to rightly and jointly stand in the gap for the land of Nigeria, we ran several sessions of intercessions to see to the fulfillment of our mandate, Just like the gathering of eagles signifies the presence of carcasses, whenever God revealed to us, any cogent spiritual issue, or gives spiritual counsel / instructions, we prophetically declare the instruction (s) to the entire land which has over the years been our modus operandi, and since God has not stopped adding to us numerically, the prayer movement has moved from glory to glory, and from strength to strength.
We have recorded various forms of victories. We have gone through many warfare, and the lord has been on our side.

We are currently on a national assignment in Nigeria, distributing prayer materials to youth corpers across the federation. We hope to extend our frontiers to impact as many lives as possible. God bless the Eagle’s Prayer Movement, Nigeria.


Welcome! First and foremost, I want you to know that, the God of heaven, brought you here today for a purpose.
I was in the place of prayer, when the lord spoke to me to lead His people to stand in as intercessors for the land of Akure, Ondo state Nigeria, many years ago. It was a successful endeavor.

Now, we have a broader assignment, to reach out to many more lives across Nigeria and the world at large, which i believe you are a part of. I would like to leave you with this word of encouragement, which was given to Joshua. BE STRONG!

Therefore shall ye keep all the commandments which I command you this day, that ye may be strong, and go in and possess the land, whither ye go to possess it. Deuteronomy. 11:8

It takes strength to possess any territory, it takes great strength to do exploit, Dan 11:32. ,BE STRONG!


Listen to what our members have to say about this movement​


The prevailing power of intercession

The Eagle’s prayer movement have been a blessing to me. It reminds me of one of the call and election we have been called to, to stand in gap as an intercessor of Christ, which is really lacking in Christianity today. Also the word section from the man of God has been a source of inspiration to me, every time there is an opportunity to hear it, especially during the word explosion time.
Pastor Moses Agboola
I was broke and idle before this season of mercy and I asked God to touch my finance and he did because, I have been seeing it & not just feeling it.
No be joke oh!
I got a little contract during and at the early stage of the season of mercy program and this week the same person added to the deal a little.
Is that not a sign of his touch on my finance?. When I have struggled since last year August till this year May and no kobo to show for it and I joined a group of intercessors just to experience God’s touch, just like that?
I give praise to God for his faithfulness in my life.
David Eyebidowie
During our last 12 Days of Mercy Intercessory Program…
The Lord gave me an international contract in Uganda. Currently our architectural design is already approved while we await the final stage of approval, with which the award of contract will be presented to us. I want to return all glory to God for his blessings and faithfulness.
My prayer and I ask the entire member to support us in prayers as we await the final approval.
Pastor Oluwaseun George
I was having serious headache yesterday. I just managed to be present during the prayer, but when Prophet Sam said we should get water, that he is going to bless the water and we should drink the water, as i drank the water, the migraine headache immediately disappeared. Meanwhile I was thinking, how am i going to sleep with this kind of headache, but as it subsided miraculously i slept like a baby till day break. Praise Jesus.
Mrs Maureen Kueson

Interceding To Possess The Land

Through intercession, we possess the land not by our own might, but by the Spirit of God. As we pray and intercede, we pave the way for blessings to flow, obstacles to crumble, and the land to become a testament of God’s providence

Fly as an eagle
Fervency of the Spirit​

In the fervency of the spirit, our souls ignite like flames, connecting us to the divine. It’s in this passionate intensity that we find strength, guidance, and a boundless wellspring of purpose.

Study of the Word

Within the pages of the Bible, we find not just words, but life’s map. Studying it is like unraveling hidden treasures, revealing wisdom, comfort, and a deeper connection to God.

Kingdom service

Kingdom service is not just a duty; it’s a privilege and an honor. It’s in selfless acts that we establish God’s kingdom on Earth, shaping a legacy that echoes through eternity.

Campus connect​

Campus connect for is a bridge that unites faith and education. It’s where hearts align and minds flourish, nurturing a community of believers who illuminate campuses with hope, compassion, and a transformative light of Christ.