Battles Prayers Against The Strange Woman

It has been said many times, that the home is the number one target of the enemy in this last days. Once disunited, it has negative implications on the church, and the society. The spirit of the strange woman have crashed many Christian homes. many virtuous women have lost their inheritances to this ugly monster.

In this book, you will discover, what to do, and how to break free from the strange woman, including many reasons prayers are unanswered.

100 Prayers For Serving Youth Corpers

It has been said many times, that the home is the number one target of the enemy in this last days. Once disunited, it has negative implications on the church, and the society. The spirit of the strange woman have crashed many Christian homes. many virtuous women have lost their inheritances to this ugly monster.

In this book, you will discover, what to do, and how to break free from the strange woman, including many reasons prayers are unanswered.